Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Yume-chan's Shinzo Debut, part II

Recently, we held a debut celebration to honor the work of Yume-chan (formerly, Six Juriya) as she completed the lessons and tasks necessary for her to become a furisode shinzo of Shinmachi. She is now a courtesan in her own right, but continues her studies in hopes of becoming one of the illustrious tayuu (or oiran) of the district.

Please enjoy these pictures of the event.


Friday, June 13, 2014

Yume-chan's Shinzo Debut


hi no me minu fuyu no tsubaki no saki ni keri

without seeing sunlight
the winter camellia

Please join us Saturday, June 14th at 6pm SL so celebrate the debut of our brand new Furisode Shinzo, Yume-chan.

The debut will be held at the winter kissed land of Sengoku, in their charming  tea house. We will celebrate the blossoming of a new Shinmachi flower through song and poetry. This will be Yume-chan's first performance as a furisode shinzo. We will end the event with polite conversation, giving everyone a chance to chat with the debutante.

Arigato gozaimasu,
Kaguyama of Shinmachi

You also see a map, leading you to the location of the debut: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ocarina%20Beach/93/51/24