- Okamisan Aisya

A part in the festivals of the Shinmachi District
Being in Shinmachi, I keep learning more while mingling with the others here as best as a kamuro can. I am being careful to not miss out on the events and activities here. Sometimes, it is hard when there is so much to do as well preparing for more events. How do Okamisan as well as Jinchi san do it?
*Giggles softly as she thinks of how her Oneesan Tsuyu-san calls her "Jinchi-sensei." She clears and throat and continues*

Then, one day my Oneesan mentioned to me that she was going on a trip. In her absence, I was hoping to take tons of pictures of the Festival since she couldn't be there. This made me think that maybe I can go to the events, especially since I have been resting each day to regain my strength.

Okamisan sent out notices saying she still had parts that could be filled, as well as practices. So, I went to talk to her to see if there was anything I could help with. Being the most wonderful Okamisan she is, she let me have a part in the show. I was just happy to actually do something with my Shinmachi family.
I played two parts during the finale performance: the ‘buyer’ and one of the shinzo. It made feel so much better that I wasn't so down anymore; the tiny enjoyments are always taken for granted. This entire event was so fun and a different experience I didn’t get to do yet in Second life.
I caught a glimpse of my big brother Haku-san and Icy-san at the performance, too. For him to be there and to actually see our group, perform made my day.
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